o c t o b e r 2000 — o c t o b e r 2004
[Interviewer]: Why is your generation so paranoid? [Interviewee]: Who said we're paranoid? [I]: It was on TV. [I]: Oh. Maybe it's all the drugs. [I]: Would you call yourself a neo-hippie bourgeois activist? [I]: Sometimes. No. Yes. I mean, I worry about animal rights & the Environment. And sweatshops. [I]: Nowadays there are so many options and varieties to choose from. [I]: Mostly I am an Artist, though. [I]: Why the quantifier/capitalization? [I]: Uh. Yes. [I]: When did you start learning about/studying art and art theory? [I]: Art? Um...Actually, my primary focus is punctuation, and women's toes. Entrenched pan-capitalization systems/structures. (Con)temporary phonetic situations/zones of autonomous violence. I have a secret intimate relationship with the tilde, for instance. It's an S&M tickling fetish of sorts. For the most part. [I]: Is this a somewhat veiled reference to your identification of yourself as a Chicano artist? [I]: Who said I'm a Chicano artist? [I]: It was on TV. [I]: Oh. Maybe I shouldn't skim over the commercials so quickly. [I]: Yes. Maybe. How do you respond to critics of your un(published) first book of crap/short stories? [I]: TV critics? [I]: And more importantly, what's with all the accent marks and upside down punctuation anyway? [I]: Mostly it has to do with how seriously you take yourself. [I]: Do you think your generation takes itself too seriously? [I]: Why? [I]: No, X. [I]: What? [I]: Whom do you see when you look in the mirror? [I]: I don't own a mirror? [I]: How do you groom yourself in the morning then? [I]: I don't groom myself in the morning. I groom myself at random undisclosed light/time/space interstices scattered throughout the day/millennium/primal protoplasm by way of a complex system of pulleys and video cameras and consensus dreams/memories/credit card receipts. [I]: To which standards of beauty do you ascribe in your grooming/grammatical behavior? [I]: Proudhonian, mainly. Passé Baudrillardian aesthetics of (dis)appearance. 1:1 ratio Channel 4 News weather maps. [I]: Do you ever worry that the map is not actually the territory? Or that the blue screen is not actually a map? [I]: It's interesting you bring that up. ...[awkward silence; unintelligible mumbling; cough]... [I]: Yes...So then. What is your favorite punctuation symbol? [I]: Sunlight. [I]: Is this in any way at all related to the common perception that a great deal of fictional English dialogue rendered between fictional Latin@s seems to contain no discernible contractions whatsoever? [I]: Well, it has been scientifically proven--like all agents of sedition/chaos, apostrophes and the vernacular go mano-en-mano. (According to Nebrija, that means hand-in-hand. Or something.) [I]: I see. Talk to us more about your italicized use of Spanish and non-contracted English. [I]: Well, basically it's a quick and easy way to establish my ethnicity within a safe, parenthetical construct of opposition. And it sells books, too! [I]: Ha ha ha, yes...but...couldn't you say that in a more...subtle, less self-...reflexive way, perhaps? [I]: No. No. TV. [I]: Or not.
~[insert commercial break here]~
[I]: Hi we're back. Thank you for joining us. If you're just tuning in, we'd like to welcome you to an exclusive 1:1 interview. Thanks for being here. [I]: Thanks for having me. [I]: Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get a little more personal. Is that okay with you? [I]: Fire away. [I]: Are you aware that you have been secretly documented/recorded/ridiculed for the past two years? [I]: By who? [I]: Whom? [I]: By whom? [I]: The State/Media death apparatus, of course. [I]: Oh. Whew, that's a relief. I thought you were going to say by artists mimicking the State/Media death apparatus. [I]: Well I was going to say that, but I assumed you would figure that out for yourself eventually. ...[awkward silence]... [I]: The thing is, I am the audience. Audience of One. And the spectators are...well... [I]: Ah--an inversion of spectacle! [I]: Yes. Inversiones. [I]: That's not actually a direct translation. [I]: It never is. ...[more awkward silence]... [I]: See, I play the part of a neurotic, self-doubting/centered identity-conflicted "writer" who wants to be/live like a "serious" Artist. Part of my role is to act unaware of the acting being perpetrated by others around me in artificial, inorganic situations-- [I]: As opposed to real situations. [I]: As opposed to real situations, yes. For example, I pretend to take seriously the flirtations of the "Young Vamp" actress, even to the point of affecting a blush and kicking my feet around. Or, I pretend to be a chess enthusiast, when I've never played a game in my life. (I couldn’t even tell you a pawn from a horse!) Or, I'll say ridiculous things to the media--newspapers, radio, television, internet/email...and then pretend not to realize it when others obliquely criticize/make fun of what I’ve said. [I]: Well, it hasn't gotten me any dates lately, if that's what you mean. [chuckles] [I]: Ah yes. [dry laughter; throat-clearing] So is this a role you prepared for...or kind of grew into over time? [I]: Actually, the role grew into me. [I]: Right. Fascinating. And is there ever any fear of overlap between the role and actual reality? ...[silence; mumbling]... [I]: Um. Well, tell us about malice. [I]: I don't know why malice. I've seen good people hurt others out of ignorance, or for profit, and I can at least understand that. But pure malice? Maybe this is an urban thing. [I]: Schadenfreude, perhaps? [I]: Sorry, I don't speak Italian. But maybe malice is a form of ignorance? [I]: Um...yes. Or maybe ignorance is a form of malice. [I]: I don't follow you. [I]: Ignorance as conscious guerrilla tactic. [I]: Um. [I]: (non)Ignorance as violent (in)Action. [I]: Ignore me, please. [I]: Change the channel. [I]: Turn it off now. [I]: See.
o c t o b e r 2000 — o c t o b e r 2004