
murciélagos y mariposas

Poison can travel via many different routes, in many different dimensions/realms.

Fast food, cigarettes, sex, television, longing, eye contact, digital communication, nostalgia, nihilism, individualistic, egotistic, perverted desire.

Merely opening oneself to the transmitted signal of/possibility of interaction with, poison, is enough sometimes. Do not be fooled by elapsed time or distance. The possibility of contamination does not weaken over distance or time because poison doesn’t operate according to our everyday experience of time and space.

Like love, poison can enter through your nostrils, your eyes, your boca, your ears, your genitals, your anus, your skin pores, your hair follicles, the silences between the words you speak/do not speak. This is why you must be careful how you open yourself up.

Your vision becomes cloudy, you cannot smell properly, your taste buds oxidize, everything sounds tinny and faint, two-dimensional, your body grows weak, feverish, chilled, you crawl into bed and want to die.

Poison heads straight for your stomach, your intestines, spreads out through your bloodstream. First your body is vomiting whatever was left in your gut, then it is wracked and vomiting bile from the emptied void, then later it is shitting diarrhea. This is a good sign: Your body is rejecting the poison, and the poison is working its way downward and out.

It is when there is no reaction at all that you should worry.

Apathy, numbness, paralysis—these are signs that you have come into contact with a powerful poison that has taken control of your entire being.

—from Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiografía, La danza de la realidad:
“Aquí el diablo no es una encarnación del mal sino un ser de la dimensión subterránea que se asoma por una ventana hecha de espíritu y materia, el cuerpo, para observar el mundo y aportarle su conocimiento.”

The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov

—watch for:
mariposas dancing, fluttering; do not touch their wings, the oils in your fingertips are poison to their beauty.

—listen for:
murciélagos dancing, fluttering; remember that there are other ways of seeing, moving through the world—difference in form of vision does not constitute blindness.

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